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Welcome to the US Citizenship Test Learning Assistance!

  • You can Enable Translation and choose your preferred language to see the translation of each question during the test.
  • You can select one or more types of tests to perform (leaving all unchecked will perform all tests).
  • If you provide your home address, it will be used to determine the answers to questions 20, 23, 43, and 44 in the 100 Civics Questions.
  • If you do not provide your home address, or if your address is incorrect, questions 20, 23, 43, and 44 will be skipped in the Civics Test, as we cannot determine the correct answers for you.

Select the tests you want to practice:

1) This application is a tool designed to help users practice for their U.S. citizenship test. The results and feedback provided are for reference purposes only and should not be considered legal advice by any means.

2) While we do not collect or store your personal information, we do send your answers to OpenAI’s ChatGPT for evaluation. We cannot guarantee the protection of this information by OpenAI. By using this system, you acknowledge and accept this, and you should avoid providing any sensitive or personal information in your answers. We are not responsible for any loss or consequences resulting from the disclosure of sensitive information.